Help us HONOR those service members who still have not come home to their families.
September is POW*MIA Recognition Month. This year we want your help to honor the
more than 1200 Georgians who are still unaccounted for from WWII, Korea, Vietnam and the Cold War. United Military Care will host a Candle Light Ceremony on Saturday, September 18 th at 6:30pm to honor the sacrifice of these military heroes. We will honor by name with a brief bio the thirteen service members from Cobb County. United Military Care will also honor those who were POW’s with their name on our veteran tree. The names will be featured on special POW*MIA ornaments. Please respond /reply to this email with the name of your family member or friend who was a POW and what conflict.
And as in the past three years, September begins our Sock Drive. Even with the pandemic, thanks to the efforts of our great community over 5,000 pairs of socks were donated last year. We also asked for under garments and appreciate those donations as well. This year we are asking for donations of NEW socks, men’s briefs (sizes M, L, XL), women’s NEW socks and under garments (sizes, S,M,L) and warm hats for the winter.
Feel free to call Peggy at the office with any questions.