The We CARE Vet Fair is the largest Veteran resource fair in Georgia.
There are over 100 agencies and organizations from the local, state and federal level that serve Veterans and their families on site and ready to help.
Admission and parking are 100% free of charge. There is no cost to attend, or receive services while at the We CARE Vet Fair.
Only professional vetted organizations are invited to participate in the We CARE Vet Fair. No pretenders, claims sharks or people who would steer you wrong.
Meet and socialize with other Veterans over a cup of coffee.
Request free legal assistance by preregistering online at You can request a free will, power of attorney, advanced health care directive, and meet with Atlanta's Veteran Disability Law Firm for help with an appeal or denial.
Enroll in VA healthcare on site to include medical exam!
Have your claim denial be reevaluated in person by VA raters!
File a claim on site and get your toxic exposure screening by PACT Act professionals.
You'll regret missing it. The November We CARE Vet Fair is the last for 2024!!!
